Slidedeck: Weaponization of Social Media
Basic weaponization of social media from Lydia Snider
Basic weaponization of social media from Lydia Snider
Originally published 1 April, 2019 in AFCEA Signal Magazine Information-sharing platforms are a virtual treasure trove of ammunition. Many people have written marketing off as frivolous, but it is a field of constant data-driven experimentation, and in the past decade…
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A look at the role of social media in cyber warfare and how US military personnel, veterans and their families are targeted on social media. Presented at AUSA’s Army in Cyber Space Symposium. Links to follow up reading are available…
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Twitter is still not offering the option to call a bot a bot in their report menu, but they have slightly altered their report menu to tag possible bot and troll accounts. Twitter is still not offering the option to…
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The technology to create fake videos has arrived. Another tool to make you question your own senses. Another device to make you so unsure of truth you wouldn’t recognize it if it nipped you on the ankles. Currently there are…
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Now that we see the momentum divisive discourse is gaining in America it can seem like an impossible task to turn this ship around. Some people believe that since it has taken years to build the ecosystem that has created…
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In 2016 we saw a state run weaponization of our social media marketing tools. We saw trolling evolve from the work of amateurs being obnoxious for sport to the coordinated efforts of state sponsored agents. What’s next is state run…
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If our adversaries had set out to design a tool for delivering targeted propaganda to American citizens it would be hard to imagine anything better than Facebook. During World War I Edward Bernays worked for the Committee on Public Information….
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We are in Cold War 2.0. We enter the battlefield every time we log into one of our social media accounts.The Russians have weaponized our own innovations for communication against us. This is a carefully orchestrated military campaign against America. Cyberspace…
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Bots, bots, bots, here a bot, there a bot, everywhere a bot! — we keeping hearing about how Russian bots flooding our social media. But what is a bot really? The short answer is this: Source: Mirror UK – The bizarre…
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